Friday, April 24, 2009

Daily meditation, Apr. 24th: James Allen

Great is the conquest which thou hast entered upon, even the mighty conquest of thyself ; be faithful and thou shalt overcome.


DISCIPLE: Lead me, O Master! For my darkness is very great! Will the darkness lift, O Master? Will trial end in victory, and will there be an end to my many sorrows ?

Master: When thy heart is pure the darkness will disappear. When thy mind is freed from passion, thou wilt reach the end of trial, and when the thought of self-preservation is yielded up, there will be no more cause for sorrow.

Thou art now upon the way of discipline and purification; all my disciples must walk that way. Before thou canst enter the white light of knowledge, before thou canst behold the full glory of Truth, all thy impurities must be purged away, thy delusions all dispelled, and thy mind fortified with endurance. Relax not thy faith in Truth; forget not that Truth is eternally supreme; remember that I, the Lord of Truth, am watching over thee.

Be faithful, and endure, and I will teach thee all things.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Daily meditation, Apr. 23rd: James Allen

Be glad and not sorrowful, all ye who love Truth! For your sorrows shall pass away, like the mists of the morning.


DISCIPLE : Teacher of teachers, instruct Thou me.

Master: Ask, and I will answer.
Disciple: I have read much, but am ignorant still; I have studied the doctrines of the schools, but have not become wise thereby; I know the scriptures by heart, but peace is hidden from me. Point out to me, O Master ! The way of knowledge. Reveal to me the highway of divine wisdom; lead Thou Thy child into the path of peace.

Master: The way of knowledge, O Disciple ! Is by searching the heart; the highway of wisdom is by the practice of righteousness; and by a sinless life is found the way of peace.

Behold where Love Eternal rests concealed! (The deathless Love that seemed so far away!) E’en in the lowly heart; it stands revealed To him who lives the sinless life to-day.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Daily meditation, Apr. 22nd: James Allen

A pure heart and a blameless life avail. They are filled with joy and peace.


OUR good deeds remain with us, they save and protect us. Evil deeds are error. Our evil deeds follow us, they overthrow us in the hour of temptation.

The evil doer is not protected from sorrow; but the good doer is shielded from all harm. The fool says unto his evil deed, "Remain thou hidden, be thou unexposed"—but his evil is already published, and his sorrow is sure. If we are in evil, what shall protect us? What keep us from misery and confusion? Nor man nor woman, nor wealth nor power, nor heaven nor earth, shall keep us from confusion. From the results of evil there is no escape; no refuge and no protection. If we are in Good, what shall overtake us? What bring us to misery and confusion ? Nor man nor woman, nor poverty nor sickness, nor heaven nor earth, shall bring us to confusion.

There is a straight way and a quiet rest.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Daily meditation, Apr. 21st: James Allen

He who dings to his delusions, loving self and sin cannot find the Truth.


TRUTH brings joy out of sorrow, and peace out of perturbation; it points the selfish to the Way of Good, and sinners to the Path of Holiness. Its spirit is the doing of Righteousness. To the earnest and faithful it brings consolation; upon the obedient it bestows the crown of peace. I take refuge in Truth: Yea, in the Spirit of Good, in the knowledge of Good, and in the doing of Good I abide. And I am reassured and comforted. It is to me as though malice were not, and hatred had vanished away. Lust is confined to the nethermost darkness, it hath no way in Truth's transcendent Light. Pride is broken up and dissolved, and vanity is melted away as a mist. I have set my face towards the Perfect Good, and my feet in the Blameless Way; and because of this I am consoled.

I am strengthened and comforted, having found refuge in Truth.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Daily meditation, Apr. 20th: James Allen

The Knowledge of Truth is an abiding consolation.


WHEN all else fails, Truth does not fail. When the heart is desolate and the world affords no shelter, Truth provides a peaceful refuge and a quiet rest.

The cares of life are many, and its path is beset with difficulties; but Truth is greater than care, and is superior to all difficulties. Truth lightens our burdens; it lights up our pathway with the radiance of joy. Loved ones pass away, friends fail, and possessions disappear. Where then is the voice of comfort? Where is the whisper of consolation? Truth is the comforter of the comfortless, and the consoler of them that are deserted. Truth does not pass away, nor fail, nor disappear. Truth bestows the consolation of abiding peace. Be alert, and listen, that ye may hear the call of Truth, even the voice of the Great Awakener.

Truth removes the sting from affliction, and disperses the clouds of trouble.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Daily meditation, Apr. 19th: James Allen

Abandon error for Truth, and illusion for Reality.


TO sin is to dream, and, to love sin is to love darkness. They who love darkness are involved in the darkness; they have not yet seen the light. He who has seen the light does not choose to walk in darkness. To see the Truth is to love it, and, in comparison, error has no beauty. The dreamer is now in pleasure, now in pain; this hour in confidence, the next in fear. He is without stability, and has no abiding refuge. When the monsters of remorse and retribution pursue him, whither can he fly? There is no place of safety unless he awake. Let the dreamer struggle with his dream; let him strive to realise the illusory nature of all self-seeking desire, and lo ! He will open his spiritual eyes upon the world of Light and Truth. He will be happy, sane, and peaceful, seeing things as they are.

Truth is the Light of the universe, the day of the mind.

Daily meditation, Apr. 18th: James Allen

Rejoice! For the morning has dawned: The Truth has awakened us.


WE have opened our eyes, and the dark night of terror is no more. Long have we slept in matter and sensation; long did we struggle in the painful nightmare of evil; but now we are awake in Spirit and Truth: We have found the Good, and the struggle with evil is ended.

We slept, yet knew not that we slept. We suffered, yet knew not that we suffered. We were troubled in our dreaming, yet none could awake us, for all were dreaming like ourselves. Yet there came a pause in our dreaming; our sleep was stayed. Truth spoke to us, and we heard; and lo ! We opened our eyes, and saw. We slumbered, and saw not; we slept, and knew not; but now we are awake and see. Yea, we know we are awake because we have seen Holiness, and we love sin no more.

How beautiful is Truth ! How glorious is the realm of reality ! How ineffable is the bliss of Holiness !