Not in any of the three worlds can the soul find lasting satisfaction, apart from the realisation of righteousness.
EVERY soul, consciously or unconsciously, hungers for righteousness, and every soul seeks to gratify that hunger in its own particular way, and in accordance with its own particular state of knowledge. The hunger is one, and the righteousness is one, but the pathways by which righteousness is sought are many. They who seek consciously are blessed, and shall shortly find that final and permanent satisfaction of soul which righteousness alone can give, for they have come into a knowledge of the true path. They who seek unconsciously, although for a time they may bathe in a sea of pleasure, are not blessed, for they are carving out for themselves pathways of suffering, over which they must walk with torn and wounded feet, and the soul will cry out for its lost heritage— the eternal heritage of the righteous.
Blessed are they who earnestly and intelligently seek.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Daily meditation, May 2nd: James Allen
Friday, May 1, 2009
Daily meditation, May 1st: James Allen
Comfort ye! The heights of Blessed Vision ye shall reach.
EOLAUS: I know that sorrow follows passion; know that grief and emptiness, and heartaches wait upon all earthly joys; so am I sad; Yet Truth must be, and being, can be found; And though I am in sorrow, this I know—I shall be glad when I have found the Truth. Prophet: There is no gladness like the joy of Truth. The pure in heart swim in a sea of bliss That evermore nor sorrow knows, nor pain ; For who can see the Cosmos and be sad ? To know is to be happy; they Who have attained Perfection; these are they Who live, and know, and realise the Truth.
He findeth Truth who findeth self-control.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Daily meditation, Apr. 30th: James Allen
Deliverance shall him entrance who strives with sifts and sorrows, tears and pains, till he attains.
BE not the slave of lusts and cravings and indulgences, of disappointments, miseries, and fears, doubts, and lamentations, but control thyself with calmness: master that in thee which masters others, and which heretofore has mastered thee: let not thy passions rule, but rule thy passions; subjugate thyself till passion is transmuted into peace, and wisdom crown thee; so shalt thou attain and, by attaining, know.
Look thou within. Lo! In the midst of change abides the Changeless; at the heart of strife The Perfect Peace reposes. At the root of all the restless striving of the world IS passion. Whoso follows passion findeth pain, but whoso conquers passion findeth peace.
I am ignorant, yet strive to know; nor will I cease to strive till I attain.
Daily meditation, Apr. 29th: James Allen
Knowledge is for him who seeks; Wisdom crowneth him who strives; Peace in sinless silence speaks: All things perish, Truth survives.
INCREASE thy strength and self-reliance; make the spectres of thy mind obey thy will; See thou command thyself, nor let no mood. No subtle passion nor no swift desire Hurl thee to baseness; but, shouldst thou be hurled. Rise, and regain thy manhood, taking gain Of lowliness and wisdom from thy fall. Strive ever for the mastery of thy mind, and glean some good from every circumstance That shall confront thee; make thy store of strength richer for ills encountered and overcome. Submit to naught but nobleness; rejoice like a strong athlete straining for the prize, when thy full strength is tried.
Follow where Virtue leads High and still higher; Listen where Pureness pleads, Quench not her fire. Lo ! He shall see Reality, Who cometh upward, cleansed from all desire.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Daily meditation, Apr. 28th: James Allen
Be watchful, that no thought of self creep in again and stain thee.
April Twenty-eighth
THINK of thyself as abolished. In all thy doing think of the good of others and of the world, and not of pleasure or reward to thyself. Thou art no longer separate and divided from men, thou art one with all. No longer strive against others for thyself, but sympathise with all. Regard no man as thine enemy, for thou art the friend of all men. Be at peace with all. Pour out compassion on all living things, and let boundless charity adorn thy words and deeds. Such is the glad way of Truth; such is the doing which is according to the Eternal. Ruled with joy is the right-doer; he acts from principles which do not change and pass away. He is one with the Eternal, and has passed beyond unrest. The peace of the righteous man is perfect; it is not disturbed by change and impermanence. Freed from passion, he is equal-minded, calm, and does not sorrow; he sees things as they are, and is no more confused.
Open thine eyes to the Eternal Light.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Daily meditation, Apr. 27th: James Allen
Instruct me in the doing which is according to the Eternal, so that I may be watchful, and fail not.
THE unrighteous man is swayed by his feelings; likes and dislikes are his masters; prejudices and partialities blind him; desiring and suffering, craving and sorrowing, self-control he knows not, and great is his unrest. The righteous man is master of his moods; likes and dislikes he has abandoned as childish things; prejudice and partiality he has put away. Desiring nothing, he does not suffer; not craving enjoyment, sorrow does not overtake him; perfect in self-control, great peace abides with him.
Do not condemn, resent, or retaliate; do not argue, or become a partisan.
Maintain thy calmness with all sides; be just, and speak the truth. Act in gentleness, compassion, and charity. Be infinitely patient. Hold fast to love, and let it shape thy doing. Have goodwill to all without distinction. Think equally of all, and be disturbed by none.
Be thoughtful and wise, strong and kindhearted.
Daily meditation, Apr. 26th: James Allen
Be strenuous in effort, patient in endurance, strong in resolution.
BY these four things is the heart defiled— the craving for pleasure, the clinging to temporal things, the love of self, the lust for personal continuance; from these four defilements spring all sins and sorrows. Wash thou thy heart; put away sensual cravings; detach thy mind from the wish for possessions; abandon self-defence and sell-importance. Thus putting away all cravings, thou wilt attain to satisfaction; detaching thy mind from the love of perishable things, thou wilt acquire wisdom; abandoning the thought of self, thou wilt come to peace. He who is pure is free from desire; he does not crave for sensual excitements; he sets no value on perishable things; he is the same in riches and poverty, in success or failure, in victory or defeat, in life or death. His happiness remains, his rest is sure.
Hold fast to love, and let it shape thy doing.
Daily meditation, Apr. 25th: James Allen
Blessed is he who obeys the Truth, he shall not remain comfortless.
DISCIPLE: What are the greater and the lesser powers? Master: Hear me again, O Disciple! Walking faithfully the path of discipline and purification, not abandoning it, but submitting to its Austerities, thou wilt acquire the three lesser powers of discipleship; thou wilt also receive the three greater powers. And the greater and the lesser powers will render thee invincible. Self-control, Self-reliance, and Watchfulness—these are the three lesser powers. Steadfastness, Patience, Gentleness—these are the three greater powers. When thy mmd is wellcontrolled, and in thy keeping; when thou reliest upon no external aid, but upon Truth alone; and when thou art ceaselessly watchful over thy thoughts and actions—then thou wilt approach the Supreme Light.
Thy darkness will pass away for ever, and joy and light will wait upon thy footsteps.