Saturday, June 27, 2009

Daily meditation, June 27th: James Allen

In order to achieve the higher forms of success, a man must give up anxiety, hurry, and fussiness.


PRESSING forward persistently along a given way is sure to lead to a destination that is definitely associated with that way. Frequent going aside, or turning back, will render effort fruitless ; no destination will he reached ; success will remain afar off.

Effort, and the more effort, and then effort again, is the keynote of success.

As the simple old saying has it: " If at first you don’t succeed, Try again." All the precepts of successful business men are precepts of doing ; all the precepts of the wise teachers are precepts of doing. To cease to do is to cease to be of any use in the economy of life. Doing means effort, exertion.

Transmute the energy that wears and breaks down into that deeper and less obtrusive kind that preserves and builds up.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Daily meditation, June 26th: James Allen

A listless mind could not achieve any kind of success.


SUCCESS is rooted in a subtle mental brooding along a given line. It subsists in an individual characteristic, or combination of characteristics, and not in a particular circumstance, or set of circumstances. The circumstances appear, it is true, and form part of the success, but these would be useless without the mind that can penetrate and utilise them.

At the root of every success there is some form of well-husbanded and welldirected energy. There has been some persistent brooding of the mind upon a project. Success is like a flower: it may appear more or less suddenly, but it is the finished product of a long series of efforts, of preparatory stages.

Men see the success, but the preparation for it, the innumerable mental processes that led up to it, are hidden from them.

Without exertion nothing can be accomplished.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Daily meditation, June 25th: James Allen

Stimulate the mind to watchfulness and reflection.


IT will be seen that the first step in the discipline of the mind is the overcoming of indolence. This is the easiest step, and until it is perfectly accomplished the other steps cannot be taken. The clinging to indolence constitutes a complete barrier to the Path of Truth. Indolence consists in giving the body more ease and sleep than it requires, in procrastinating, and in shirking and neglecting those things which should receive immediate attention. This condition of laziness must be overcome by rousing up the body at an early hour, giving it just the amount of sleep it requires for complete recuperation, and by doing, promptly and vigorously, every task and duty, no matter how small, as it comes along.

The heart must be purified of sensual and gustatory lust.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Daily meditation, 24th June: James Allen

Learn the lessons of Virtue, and thus build up in the strength of knowledge, destroying ignorance and the ills of life.


WHERE Love is, God is, and where Goodness lives There Christ abides; and he who daily strives against self and selfishness, shaping his mind For Truth and Purity, shall surely find The Master’s presence in his inmost heart. God shall be one with him (and not apart) Who overcomes himself, and makes his life Godlike and holy; banishing all strife far from him; letting hate and anger die, and greed and pride and fleshly lusts that lie to God and Goodness: great shall be his Peace, Happy and everlasting his release from pain and sorrow who doth conquer sin. To the pure heart comes God and dwells therein: He only who the Path of Good hath trod Hath found the Life that’s "hid with Christ in God."

" Make pure thy heart, and thou wilt make thy life rich, sweet, and beautiful, unmarred by strife."

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Daily meditation, June 23rd: James Allen

Truth can only be arrived at by daily and hourly doing the lessons of Virtue.


IN a properly governed household the child is first taught to be obedient, and to conduct itself properly under all circumstances. The child is not even told why it must do this, but is commanded to do it, and only after it has so far succeeded in doing what is right and proper is it told why it should do it.

No father would attempt to teach his child the principles of ethics before exacting from it the practice of filial duty and social virtue.

Virtue can only be known by doing, and the knowledge of Truth can only be arrived at by perfecting oneself in the practice of Virtue; and to be complete in the practice and acquisition of Virtue is to be complete in the knowledge of Truth.

Undaunted by failure, and made stronger by difficulties.

Daily meditation, June 22nd: James Allen

Spiritual Principles can only be acquired after long discipline in the pursuit and practice of Virtue.

June Twenty-Second

THE schoolmaster never attempts to teach his pupils the abstract principles of mathematics at the commencement; he knows that by such a method teaching would be vain, and learning impossible. He first places before them a very simple sum, and, having explained it, leaves them to do it. When, after repeated failures and ever-renewed effort, they have succeeded in doing it correctly, a more difficult task is set them, and then another and another; and not until the pupils have, through many years of diligent application, mastered all the lessons in arithmetic does he attempt to unfold to them the underlying mathematical principles.

Thus practice ever precedes knowledge even in the ordinary things of the world, and in spiritual things, in the living of the higher life, this law is rigid in its exactions.

Daily meditation, June 21st: James Allen

Realise the Light that never fades.


IF, O reader ! You would realise the Joy that never ends, and the tranquillity that cannot be disturbed; if you would leave behind for ever your sins, your sorrow, your anxieties, and perplexities; if, I say, you would partake of this salvation, this supremely glorious Life, then conquer yourself. Bring every thought, every impulse, every desire into perfect obedience to the divine power resident within you. There is no other way to peace but this ; and if you refuse to walk it, your much praying and your strict adherence to ritual will be fruitless and unavailing, and neither gods nor angels can help you.

Only to him that overcometh is given the white stone of the regenerate life, on which is written the New and Ineffable Name.

The holy place within you is your real and eternal self : it is the divine within you.