Realise the Light that never fades.
IF, O reader ! You would realise the Joy that never ends, and the tranquillity that cannot be disturbed; if you would leave behind for ever your sins, your sorrow, your anxieties, and perplexities; if, I say, you would partake of this salvation, this supremely glorious Life, then conquer yourself. Bring every thought, every impulse, every desire into perfect obedience to the divine power resident within you. There is no other way to peace but this ; and if you refuse to walk it, your much praying and your strict adherence to ritual will be fruitless and unavailing, and neither gods nor angels can help you.
Only to him that overcometh is given the white stone of the regenerate life, on which is written the New and Ineffable Name.
The holy place within you is your real and eternal self : it is the divine within you.