Friday, August 15, 2008


When various sorrows of mind and body or insults befall person, it is proper for him to think thus: "My previous Karma have come to bear fruit. These men or animals who inflict sorrows upon me are mere instruments. I must, therefore, keep up my forgiveness and must not get angry with anyone." Also, when somebody accuses a person as being below, ignorant or pretentious, the person does not become that. Generally, we become what we think and feel. After knowing this doctrine of truth, it is beneficial to all of us to keep up our nature of forgiveness, even if we have to make great efforts to do so.
Enlightened meditation is quickly attained, in our path to liberation of the soul by resorting to this virtue of forgiveness. Evidently we experience inner bliss. An all-round atmosphere of peace is created because internal mental sorrows as well as external conflicts, quarrels and abuse exist no longer. Thus, with the disappearance of anger and jealousy, atmosphere of friendship and unity is created everywhere in the society...May this religion of forgiveness that leads to the bliss of ourself and of others, reign ever victoriously in our life.

Virtues by Shri Atmananda