思无邪 行好事 莫欺心 行方便 守本分 莫嫉妒 除狡诈 务诚实 顺天道 知天命 清心 寡欲 忍耐 柔顺 谦和 知足 廉谨 存仁 节俭 处中 戒杀 戒怒 戒暴 戒贪 慎笃 知机 保爱 恬退 守静 阴德
Sometimes when I come across a nice article or read something beautiful or inspirational on the web, I cannot help wanting to share them with all of my friends. The old way to share them is to send them to each friend. Now with the advent of blogger, it's more convenient to share them in one place--that's why this blog was created. Enjoy!
思无邪 行好事 莫欺心 行方便 守本分 莫嫉妒 除狡诈 务诚实 顺天道 知天命 清心 寡欲 忍耐 柔顺 谦和 知足 廉谨 存仁 节俭 处中 戒杀 戒怒 戒暴 戒贪 慎笃 知机 保爱 恬退 守静 阴德