And this is my experience: When I judge, something in me closes. When I judge someone else, I tend to close off to that person. My judgments seem to freeze time, as if everything and everyone will always be like this. Judging doesn't seem to acknowledge the fact that life is an ongoing process that, so far at least, hasn't come to an end point.
When I remember this, I am a lot more relaxed and open, enjoying life more and demanding less from it.
Now when something happens in my life, my horse or wife leaves for example, I find myself willing to suspend immediate judgment. Through meditation I can feel more space within, and more distance from the flow of thoughts that is quick to judge. There are times, of course, when I forget. But I remain grateful to Osho for stories like this that serve as reminders along the way.
Lessons in Judgment by Swami Dhyan Moulik