Monday, March 31, 2008

Ten Things To Be Understood

Ten Things To Be Understood
by Gampopa

Understand that outer appearances are unreal because they are mistaken.

Understand that inner mind is empty because it is devoid of self-identity.

Understand that thoughts are momentary because they occur due to conditions.

Understand that both your physical body and your voice are impermanent because they are conditioned.

Understand that the consequences of your actions are inevitable because all pleasure and pain of sentient beings results from karma.

Understand that pain is your spiritual friend because it is the cause of renunciation.

Understand that pleasure and happiness is the demon of attachment because it is the root of samsara.

Understand that many engagements are obstacles for merit because they hinder spiritual practice.

Understand that enemies and obstructors are your teachers because obstacles are inspiration for spiritual practice.

Understand that everything is of equal nature, because all phenomena are ultimately devoid of self-nature.

These were the ten things to understand.

--Gampopa, from "The Precious Garland of the Sublime Path" (trans. by Erik Pema Kunsang)