The lotus is a symbol of the spiritual wisdom of the East. The rose is associated with the spiritual wisdom of the West.
Lotus and Rose believes... Help in walking the spiritual path can be found in many places, not just one.
There really is no "one-right-answer" for everyone.
The spiritual life, like most other aspects of life, is a practical, day-to-day experience. Some things work, others don't. A wise person considers the possibilities, finds what works, and moves along.
Helpful associations may be found, but like all human relationships, they're subject to change because change is one of life's essential ingredients. We aren't limited to the spiritual heritage of our birth -- or the lack of it.
There's more to life than "eat, drink and be merry."
Spiritual life exists in everyone, including those with no religion.
We can learn from both Eastern and Western paths and are not limited to one or the other.
Lotus and Rose exists to suggest some opportunities for growth.