Monday, July 14, 2008

Too much concern

When your body is ill, it is as if someboy else's body is ill: do whatsoever as needed but don't be too concerned because that overmuch concern is a greater illness that the body's. If you have a fever go to the doctor, take the medicine, take care of the body, and that's all. Why be concerned too much? Why create another fever? --which no doctor can treat! The fever in the body can be treated, but if you become too concerned another fever is created, that fever is deeper, no doctor can help with it...Too much concern about yourself is the greatese disease possible. You cannot be happy, you canno enjoy yourself. How can you enjoy? So many problems inside! Problems and problems and problems and nothing else! -- and there seems no solutions! What to do? You go crazy. Everybody, inside, is crazy!

Osho: From meditation to meditation