Saturday, March 28, 2009

Daily meditation, Mar. 10th: James Allen

The man of aspiration sees before him the pathway up to the heavenly heights.


WHEN the rapture of aspiration touches the mind it at once refines it, and the dross of its impurities begins to fall away; yea, while aspiration holds the mind, no impurities can enter it, for the impure and the pure cannot at the same moment occupy the thought. But the effort of aspiration is at first spasmodic and short-lived. The mind falls back into its habitual error and must be constantly renewed.

To thirst for righteousness; to hunger for the pure life; to rise in holy rapture on the wings af angelic aspiration—this is the right road to wisdom; this is the right striving for peace; this is the right beginning of the way divine.

The lover of the pure life renews his mind daily with the invigorating glow of aspiration.