Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Daily meditation, Apr. 7th: James Allen

Rise above the allurements of sin, and enter the Divine Consciousness, the Transcendent Life.


THERE comes a time in the process of transmutation when, with the decrease of evil and the accumulation of good, there dawns in the mind a new vision, a new consciousness, a new man. And when this is reached, the saint has become a sage; he has passed from the human life to the divine life. He is " born again " and there begins for him a new round of experiences; he wields a new power; a new universe opens out before his spiritual gaze.

This is the stage of Transcendence; this I call the Transcendent Life. When Transcendence is attained, then the limited personality is outgrown, and the divine life is known; evil is transcended, and Good is all-in all.

As passion is the keynote of the self-life, so serenity is the keynote of the transcendent life.