Monday, March 24, 2008

Meditation has no goal

MEDITATION comes into existence only when you have looked into allmotives and found them lacking, when you have gone through the whole round of motives and you have seen the falsity of it. You have seen that the motives lead nowhere, that you go on moving in circles; you remain the same. The motives go on and on leading you, driving you, almost driving you mad, creating new desires, but nothing is everachieved. The hands remain as empty as ever. When this has been seen, when you have looked into your life and seen all your motivesfailing...

No motive has ever succeeded, no motive has ever brought any blessing to anybody. The motives only promise; the goods are never delivered. One motive fails and another motive comes in and promises you again ... and you are deceived again. Being deceived again and again by motives, one day suddenly you become aware – suddenly you see into it, and that very seeing is the beginning of meditation. It has no seed in it, it has no motive in it. If you are meditating for something, then you are concentrating, not meditating. Then you are still in the world – your mind is still interested in cheap things, in trivia. Then you are worldly. Even if you are meditating to attain to God, you are worldly. Even if you are meditating to attain to nirvana, you are worldly – because meditation has no goal.

Meditation is an insight that all goals are false. Meditation is an understanding that desires don’t lead anywhere.