Wednesday, June 18, 2008


In the East nothing like psychoanalysis has ever happened for the simple reason that there were thousands of masters, deep in meditattion, and anybody who came to them...just their love, their sympathy, the way they looked into the eyes of the patient was enough. People were cured. It was not that without psychoanalysis...In the East, what happened to neurotics, to psychotics, was that they were instantly changed. All that they needed was an immense love which asks nothing -- a man of peace and silence, whose very presence is medicine. A man who has meditated for a long time becomes an inmmense source. He radiates something that is invisible to the eyes, but the heart catches it. Something reaches to your inner-most being and changes you. Problems are simple, solutions are simple. Just one has to get out of the mind to see the simplicity. And then whatsoever is done by a man in silence, in peace, in joy, will be medicinal, will be distributing health. It will be a healing force.

Osho: From meditation to meditation