Friday, June 20, 2008


Growth is facing the reality, encountering the fact, whatsoever it is. And let me repeat: Pain is simply pain, there is no suffering in it. Suffering comes from your desire that the pain should not be there, and there is something wrong in pain. Watch, witness, and you will be surprised. You have a headache, the pain is there but suffering is not there. Suffering is a secondary phenomenon, pain is primary. The headache is there, the pain is there, it is simply a fact. There is no judgement about it. You cannot call it good or bad, you don't give it any value, it is just a fact...You simply take note of it...Remember, only one thing is going to help you: awareness--nothing else. Growth will remain painful if you don't accept life in all its ups and downs. The summer has to be accepted and the winter too. This is what I call meditation. Meditation is when you you emptied of all that is old and told and done to death. Then you see, or rather, then there is seeing: The Birth of the New.

Osho: From meditation to meditation