Friday, March 20, 2009

Daily meditation, Feb. 24th: James Allen

All pain and sorrow is spiritual starvation, and aspiration is the cry for food.


MAN’S essential being is inward, invisible, spiritual, and as such it derives its life, its strength, from within not from without. Outward things are channels through which its energies are expended, but for renewal it must fall back on the inward silence. In so far as man seeks to drown this silence in the noisy pleasures of the senses, and endeavours to live in the conflicts of outward things, just so much does he reap the experiences of pain and Sorrow, which, becoming at last intolerable, drive him back to the feet of the inward Comforter, to the shrine of the peaceful solitude within.

It is in solitude only that a man can be truly revealed to himself.