Friday, March 20, 2009

Daily meditation, Mar. 2nd: James Allen

There is no nobler work or higher science than that of self-perfection.


LET man realise that life in its totality proceeds from the mind, and lo, the way of blessedness is opened to him. For he will then discover that he possesses the power to rule his mind, and to fashion it in accordance with his ideal. So will he elect to strongly and steadfastly walk those pathways of thought and action which are altogether excellent; to him life will become beautiful and sacred; and, sooner or later, he will put to flight all evil, confusion, and suffering; for it is impossible for a man to fall short of liberation, enlightenment, and peace who guards with unwearying diligence the gateway of his heart.

He who aims at the possession of a calm, wise, and seeing mind engages in the most sublime task that man can undertake.